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September 13, 2005

If you also suffer from Bush-induced Tourette's Syndrome


Testify, Brother Attaturk. He foams at the mouth for all of us today.

Posted by Leigh Witchel at September 13, 2005 11:33 PM

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Posted by: Steve at September 14, 2005 1:46 AM

I can't stand to see or hear Bush talk anymore, I used to find him endearing.

I found a recipe for you Leigh:

Stuffed Camel

1 whole camel, medium size
1 whole lamb, large size
20 whole chickens, medium size
60 eggs
12 kilos rice (26.4 pounds)
2 kilos pine nuts (4.4 pounds)
2 kilos almonds (4.4 pounds)
1 kilo pistachio nuts (2.2 pounds)
110 gallons water
5 pounds black pepper
Salt to taste

Skin, trim and clean camel (once you get over the hump), lamb and
chicken. Boil until tender. Cook rice until fluffy. Fry nuts until
brown and mix with rice. Hard boil eggs and peel. Stuff cooked
chickens with hard boiled eggs and rice. Stuff the cooked lamb with
stuffed chickens. Add more rice. Stuff the camel with the stuffed
lamb and add rest of rice. Broil over large charcoal pit until
brown. Spread any remaining rice on large tray and place camel on
top of rice. Decorate with boiled eggs and nuts. Serves friendly
crowd of 80-100

Posted by: petipafan at September 14, 2005 9:20 AM

Well, whole camel is a bit hard to find at the Associated on 58th Street.

Posted by: Leigh Witchel at September 17, 2005 4:45 AM

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